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Recently, on some short video platforms, such a "terrifying" scene will be brushed from time to time: the camera sweeps a room, dozens of computers are placed on the table, and the anchor on the screen is broadcasting online live in real time, but the accompanying text proudly reads: "It's too scary, the 200-square-meter live broadcast base is empty, all AI digital people live broadcast." However, when the camera is focused on the computer screen and carefully examined, the anchors who appear in the camera are as realistic as real people.

Since the birth of ChatGPT, it has once again aroused people's attention and heated discussions on artificial intelligence, and many industries have also accelerated their "intelligent" attempts. The reporter noticed that in some companies in Jinan, AI digital human anchors have begun to replace real people and appear in the live broadcast room.

This time, whose job will AI "rob" again? Some enterprises in Jinan are replacing real people with "AI digital human anchors" and appearing in the live broadcast room.

Virtual anchors are onboarded in batches

"Digital human live broadcast test for 3 days, very stable, no system problems and platform violations." Chen Lei, general manager of Mai Mang New Media, has been deeply engaged in the field of self-media for more than ten years, and when the "AI digital human anchor" appeared, he keenly captured this new trend.

Chen Lei introduced that digital human is not a new word, the previous Luo Tianyi, Liu Yexi, etc. are all popular virtual idols, but there are still differences from the current popular digital human anchors.

AI digital human, also known as "2D hyper-realistic digital human", the image is closer to ordinary people, if not carefully distinguished, it is easy to mistake it for a real person. "With the help of AI technology, a virtual digital human can be generated, and a real person can also be 'cloned'." Chen Lei reminded, "Compared with the former, the latter will have risks such as infringement of portrait rights." ”

A few days ago, Chen Lei officially introduced the "AI digital human anchor" into the live broadcast room, "All kinds of water parks will soon become consumption hotspots, we hung a group purchase link in the live broadcast room, and then used the 'AI digital human anchor' to automatically explain." ”

Chen Lei also pointed out that the current "AI digital human anchor" can achieve a very limited function, the form is more like a kind of "recording", the most straightforward statement is the "mouth replacement" of the real human anchor, "The effect of a single digital human is limited, and now many companies are allowing many digital human anchors to be online at the same time." ”

24-hour live broadcast

In Chen Lei's view, the reason for choosing "AI digital human anchor" is very simple, that is, it is cheap.

Over the years, anchors with goods have become a regular position in many companies, and reporters have seen from some recruitment platforms that in Jinan, the monthly salary of recruiting an anchor ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands. "This is only the basic salary, and there is generally a commission." Chen Lei said that if you want to recruit experienced mature anchors, it is even more difficult, "The labor cost of enterprises is very high. ”

Compared with this, the advantages of "AI digital human anchor" are particularly obvious, the reporter searched and found that at present, on the market, the annual service price of the digital human anchor business generally ranges from several thousand yuan, the highest is only tens of thousands of yuan, and even some are as low as several hundred yuan, and the main "hard work", can bring goods 365 days, 7× 24 hours a day, do not need to pay five insurances and one housing fund, let alone take commissions.

However, Chen Lei also admitted that after testing, "AI digital human anchors" can indeed solve the problem of anchor manpower, but put forward higher requirements for operations, "If no one guides in the comment area, it is actually difficult to achieve conversion by relying only on digital human anchors." ”

Therefore, Chen Lei believes that "AI digital human anchors" are not omnipotent, and they should be viewed rationally at present, "can not completely replace people, can only replace some 'little white' anchors." ”

Digital humans bring new business opportunities

Recently, the Douyin platform released the "Platform Specification and Industry Initiative on AI-generated Content", responding to the public's general concerns such as virtual human live broadcast, AI-assisted generated content, and whether traffic supports AI content, and made corresponding constraints.

"The industry generally believes that this is the first pass issued by the platform, and behind the constraint also means the norm, and more platforms will follow up and show their attitude." Chen Lei said that "AI digital human anchors" may usher in faster popularity.

At the end of February this year, Tencent released the AI intelligent creation assistant "Tencent Smart Shadow", which aims to create a digital human for everyone; As early as last year's Baidu World Conference, in the "Baidu APP Digital Human Plan", it was proposed to achieve "one digital human per capita". In addition, the commerce departments in Nanjing and other places have launched digital human-related entrepreneurship plans to help merchants reach the Internet and develop.

Chen Lei also shared the latest digital human anchor business in the circle of friends, with a welfare price of 2980 yuan, you can get 60 minutes of time, 20 shared digital human anchors for one year, and give away online learning courses and 1-to-1 technical service support.

"In the past, many concepts were a gust of wind, but at present, the industry is generally optimistic about 'AI digital human anchors'." Chen Lei also boldly predicted that digital humans may become the standard for companies in the future.

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